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What is the Healthy diet ?

The ideal diet for a gymnast is one that contains at least 2,000 calories and is low in fat, high in complex carbohydrates and high in fiber, according to USA Gymnastics. The latest recommendation for minimum intake is to drink half your body weight in ounces of WATER per day. In most circumstances, water will be sufficient to meet hydration needs in training.


Training Diet

The training diet usually includes Lean protein for muscle repair and recovery, carbohydrate appropriately timed for fuel and fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds for vitamins and minerals, along with healthy fats. 

gymnasts are usually quite young and many prefer small frequent meals to fit their nutritional needs around their busy schedules of school, homework and long hours of training. Ideas for nutrient-rich snacks that can be eaten in the car between school and training include:

  • Yogurt & a fruit

  • Fruit toast or homemade fruit muffins

  • One cup of Low fat flavored or plain milk

  • Sandwiches with nutritious fillings

  • Wholegrain crackers with cheese or tuna


Eating Before competition

A light meal or substantial snack about 2 hours before warm-up will help to top up energy stores before competition. Foods chosen should be carbohydrate rich and low in fat and fibre to reduce the risk of gut discomfort. Some suitable pre-competition options include:

  • Fresh fruit + small tub of yogurt

  • Breakfast cereal with milk or yogurt

  • Toast with peanut butter or banana

  • Small serve of pasta or rice dish

  • Wrap or sandwich with light fillings


Eating and drinking during comPETITION

Foods and fluids during competition need to be easy to eat and digest, as nerves can make it difficult to eat during competitions. High fat foods should be avoided as these are slow to digest and can cause stomach upset during dynamic movements. Gymnasts should be prepared and pack foods that they like and that sit well in the stomach. Don’t rely on what’s available at the venue (meat pies and sausage rolls are not the best fueling or recovery options!)



Many gymnastics competitions are held over a few days so gymnasts need to ensure that a recovery meal or snack is eaten soon after cooling down to help refuel, reduce fatigue and for muscle repair. After competing, a carbohydrate and protein rich meal or snack will help to kick start the recovery process. For example:

  • Yoghurt with nuts

  • Crackers with cheese or nut butter

  • Chicken and salad sandwich or wrap

  • Homemade pita bread pizzas with veggie toppings

  • Beef and veggie stir-fry with rice or noodles.


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