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What causes fear


  • Gymnasts are typically viewed as fearless. They not only walk across a four inch beam, but they perform flips and jumps on it.It's natural for a gymnast to feel excited, nervous, or afraid when performing a new skill or competing. But, if these feelings force gymnasts to lose their focus, they may end up "bailing" (stopping part way through) during a skill or not noticing that a foot or hand is in an incorrect position to complete the skill safely.It's important for coaches to be prepared to help the athlete land safely if this occurs.


  • When our nervous system senses danger, we will reflexively respond the way all mammals do, by protecting ourselves. If you are standing at the beginning of the vault runway or getting ready to mount the apparatus for the start of your event, you can't really protect yourself the way most mammals do by fighting or fleeing! In this situation a third, survival option automatically kicks in: The FREEZE RESPONSE. The gymnast suddenly can't get themselves to go for the skill!  Every time a gymnast experiences something physically and/or emotionally upsetting in the gym, they will automatically memorize this experience and everything about it, keeping it in their mind and body, long after the event has been consciously forgotten. Scary falls, close calls, injuries, watching other gymnasts fall or having a coach angry, frustrated with and yelling at you all get memorized and stored in the gymnast's nervous system. 


  • Every time a gymnast experiences something physically and/or emotionally upsetting in the gym, they will automatically memorize this experience and everything about it, keeping it in their mind and body, long after the event has been consciously forgotten. Scary falls, close calls, injuries, watching other gymnasts fall or having a coach angry, frustrated with and yelling at you all get memorized and stored in the gymnast's nervous system. 



  Sources of Fear/Danger in the Gym

  • PAST SCARY PHYSICAL OR EMOTIONAL EVENTS IN THE GYM - ex. Injuries, hard falls, or seeing other gymnasts get hurt.

  •  THE COACH'S RESPONSE TO THE STUCK GYMNAST - Often times coaches will get frustrated, impatient and angry with a gymnast who has suddenly lost their skills.

  • THE GYMNAST'S OWN RESPONSE TO THEIR STUCKNESS - Most gymnasts are PERFECTIONISTS and when they mysteriously lose their skills, they become incredibly frustrated and impatient with themselves. 

  • THE PARENTS RESPONSE TO THEIR SON/DAUGHTER'S BLOCK - It is very difficult to understand why your child is suddenly having trouble doing skills that he/she has done forever. As a parent you just want to help. If your son or daughter picks up on your frustration, impatience or emotional over-involvement in trying to get them unstuck, they will respond by feeling less safe because they feel that they're making you unhappy. 


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